Large-scale atomic warfare has to be one of the daftest
ideas. M.A.D. or mutually-assured destruction is plain nuts. A not-so-daft idea
is a universal disarmament or drastically reducing the world’s stockpile of
nuclear weapons.
What about small-scale atomic warfare, i.e the use of
tactical nuclear weapons? Is this acceptable in certain situations? To end
World War II, President Harry S. Truman had to make the extremely difficult
decision to use 2 atomic bombs to end the war which would otherwise have
claimed even more lives, American and Japanese.
Perhaps retaining some nuclear weapons in the probably
unlikely event of an alien invasion would be a good idea if you believe our
atomic weaponry to be any match for an alien arsenal.
Keep a few nukes, keep a MAD cycle going. Humans, can't live with 'em, can't live with 'em. :D